Flat Cut Stainless Steel

Discounted Below Prices good thru 5/31/2024

deSIGNery Signs has been designing and selling 1/8

1/8" Flat Cut Stainless Steel logos

Logo Width 10" - 14"
10" 11" 12" 13" 14"
10" 68.60 75.09 83.43 89.92 96.41
11" 75.09 84.36 90.85 99.19 105.68
12" 83.43 90.85 99.19 106.61 115.88
13" 89.92 99.19 106.61 116.80 125.15
14" 96.41 105.68 115.88 125.15 134.42
15" 102.90 113.09 124.22 134.42 143.69
16" 109.39 121.44 131.63 142.76 153.88
17" 116.80 129.78 139.98 151.10 164.08
18" 124.22 136.27 147.39 161.30 172.42
19" 130.71 143.69 156.66 170.57 181.69
20" 137.20 150.17 165.01 177.98 191.89
21" 143.69 159.44 172.42 187.25 202.09
22" 150.17 165.93 180.77 195.60 211.36
23" 158.52 174.28 188.18 205.79 219.70
24" 165.01 180.77 198.38 213.21 229.90
25" 171.50 188.18 205.79 222.48 240.09
26" 177.98 195.60 213.21 231.75 249.36
27" 184.47 204.87 221.55 241.02 258.63
28" 191.89 211.36 229.90 249.36 267.90
29" 199.31 218.77 239.17 258.63 278.10
30" 205.79 225.26 246.58 266.05 287.37

Logo Width 15" - 19"
15" 16" 17" 18" 19"
10" 102.90 109.39 116.80 124.22 130.71
11" 113.09 121.44 129.78 136.27 143.69
12" 124.22 131.63 139.98 147.39 156.66
13" 134.42 142.76 151.10 161.30 170.57
14" 143.69 153.88 164.08 172.42 181.69
15" 154.81 165.01 175.20 184.47 195.60
16" 165.01 175.20 185.40 198.38 208.58
17" 175.20 185.40 199.31 209.50 221.55
18" 184.47 198.38 209.50 221.55 233.60
19" 195.60 208.58 221.55 233.60 247.51
20" 205.79 218.77 232.68 246.58 259.56
21" 215.99 229.90 245.66 258.63 273.47
22" 225.26 241.02 255.85 270.68 286.44
23" 237.31 252.14 267.90 283.66 299.42
24" 246.58 262.34 279.95 294.79 311.47
25" 256.78 273.47 291.08 307.76 325.38
26" 266.05 284.59 301.28 320.74 337.43
27" 278.10 294.79 315.18 331.87 351.33
28" 287.37 306.84 325.38 344.84 363.38
29" 297.57 317.96 337.43 356.90 376.36
30" 307.76 328.16 348.55 368.95 389.34

Logo Width 20" - 24"
20" 21" 22" 23" 24"
10" 137.20 143.69 150.17 158.52 165.01
11" 150.17 159.44 165.93 174.28 180.77
12" 165.01 172.42 180.77 188.18 198.38
13" 177.98 187.25 195.60 205.79 213.21
14" 191.89 202.09 211.36 219.70 229.90
15" 205.79 215.99 225.26 237.31 246.58
16" 218.77 229.90 241.02 252.14 262.34
17" 232.68 245.66 255.85 267.90 279.95
18" 246.58 258.63 270.68 283.66 294.79
19" 259.56 273.47 286.44 299.42 311.47
20" 273.47 287.37 300.35 315.18 328.16
21" 287.37 301.28 316.11 330.94 344.84
22" 300.35 316.11 330.94 345.77 361.53
23" 315.18 330.94 345.77 362.46 376.36
24" 328.16 344.84 361.53 376.36 393.98
25" 341.14 359.68 375.44 393.98 409.73
26" 355.97 372.65 390.27 408.81 426.42
27" 368.95 388.41 406.03 424.57 443.11
28" 382.85 402.32 420.86 440.33 458.87
29" 396.76 416.22 436.62 456.08 475.55
30" 409.73 431.06 450.52 471.84 491.31

Logo Width 26" - 36"
26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36"
10" 177.98 191.89 205.79 218.77 232.68 246.58
11" 195.60 211.36 225.26 241.02 255.85 270.68
12" 213.21 229.90 246.58 262.34 279.95 294.79
13" 231.75 249.36 266.05 284.59 301.28 320.74
14" 249.36 267.90 287.37 306.84 325.38 344.84
15" 266.05 287.37 307.76 328.16 348.55 368.95
16" 284.59 306.84 328.16 349.48 371.73 393.98
17" 301.28 325.38 348.55 371.73 395.83 417.15
18" 320.74 344.84 368.95 393.98 417.15 443.11
19" 337.43 363.38 389.34 415.30 441.25 467.21
20" 355.97 382.85 409.73 437.54 464.43 491.31
21" 372.65 402.32 431.06 458.87 487.60 516.34
22" 390.27 420.86 450.52 481.11 511.70 540.44
23" 408.81 440.33 471.84 502.43 533.95 565.47
24" 426.42 458.87 491.31 524.68 557.13 590.50
25" 444.03 478.33 512.63 546.00 580.30 614.60
26" 461.65 497.80 532.10 567.32 603.48 638.70
27" 479.26 516.34 553.42 590.50 627.58 662.81
28" 497.80 535.81 573.81 611.82 649.83 688.76
29" 515.41 554.35 594.21 634.07 673.00 712.86
30" 532.10 573.81 614.60 655.39 696.18 736.97

Questions on pricing or products, please call 866.660.7446 or email info@dimensionalLetters.com

  • Brushed (Alloy C304) price as listed
  • Brushed (Alloy C316) add 30%
  • Polished (Alloy C304) add 30% (requires stud weld on 1/8" letters)
  • Polished (Alloy C316) add 60% (requires stud weld on 1/8" letters)
  • Cor-Ten® less 30% on 1/8" & 1/4" only
  • Optional Clear Coat add 10%

  • Production time 9 working days
  • Lower case letters, where available, are 75% of upper case price
  • All punctuation is 33% of upper case letters
  • Stud Welding 1/8" All pricing includes stud weld. Available with stud bosses or 1" welded studs. If choosing any finish where stud weld in not required, plain mount is less 30%
  • Stud Welding 1/4" and UP Price incudes letters and logos drilled and tapped for a blind stud mount
  • Drill Patterns/Stencil Guides:
    • 1-5 characters = $16.65
    • 6-15 characters = $33.30
    • 16-25 characters = $83.30
    • 26-50 characters = $139.98
    • 51-75 characters = $249.98
    • 76+ characters = $333.30
  • Cut Files available - $20
  • Stencil Pattern available - 1-50 characters- $43.30