Flat Cut Stainless Steel

Discounted Below Prices good thru 5/31/2024

deSIGNery Signs has been designing and selling 1/4

1/4" Flat Cut Stainless Steel logos

Logo Width 10" - 14"
10" 11" 12" 13" 14"
10" 82.50 89.92 97.34 105.68 113.09
11" 89.92 98.26 106.61 116.80 126.07
12" 97.34 106.61 116.80 127.00 136.27
13" 105.68 116.80 127.00 137.20 147.39
14" 113.09 126.07 136.27 147.39 159.44
15" 122.36 133.49 145.54 159.44 170.57
16" 129.78 141.83 154.81 168.71 180.77
17" 138.12 151.10 165.01 178.91 192.82
18" 145.54 161.30 174.28 189.11 203.94
19" 153.88 169.64 183.55 201.16 215.06
20" 162.23 177.98 193.74 210.43 225.26
21" 170.57 186.33 203.94 220.63 238.24
22" 177.98 195.60 213.21 231.75 248.44
23" 185.40 204.87 222.48 242.87 259.56
24" 193.74 213.21 232.68 251.22 270.68
25" 203.01 222.48 242.87 261.41 282.74
26" 210.43 231.75 251.22 272.54 292.93
27" 217.85 240.09 260.49 283.66 304.06
28" 225.26 248.44 270.68 292.93 316.11
29" 234.53 257.71 280.88 303.13 328.16
30" 242.87 266.05 290.15 315.18 338.36

Logo Width 15" - 19"
15" 16" 17" 18" 19"
10" 122.36 129.78 138.12 145.54 153.88
11" 133.49 141.83 151.10 161.30 169.64
12" 145.54 154.81 165.01 174.28 183.55
13" 159.44 168.71 178.91 189.11 201.16
14" 170.57 180.77 192.82 203.94 215.06
15" 181.69 193.74 206.72 217.85 229.90
16" 193.74 206.72 218.77 232.68 245.66
17" 206.72 218.77 233.60 247.51 260.49
18" 217.85 232.68 247.51 260.49 277.17
19" 229.90 245.66 260.49 277.17 291.08
20" 242.87 257.71 275.32 290.15 306.84
21" 254.93 270.68 288.30 304.06 322.60
22" 266.05 283.66 301.28 319.82 336.50
23" 279.03 296.64 316.11 333.72 353.19
24" 290.15 309.62 329.09 347.63 367.09
25" 302.20 322.60 342.06 363.38 383.78
26" 315.18 334.65 356.90 376.36 398.61
27" 326.30 347.63 370.80 393.05 413.44
28" 338.36 361.53 383.78 406.03 428.27
29" 351.33 373.58 397.68 420.86 444.03
30" 363.38 386.56 410.66 435.69 459.79

Logo Width 20" - 28"
20" 22" 24" 26" 28"
10" 162.23 177.98 193.74 210.43 225.26
11" 177.98 195.60 213.21 231.75 248.44
12" 193.74 213.21 232.68 251.22 270.68
13" 210.43 231.75 251.22 272.54 292.93
14" 225.26 248.44 270.68 292.93 316.11
15" 242.87 266.05 290.15 315.18 338.36
16" 257.71 283.66 309.62 334.65 361.53
17" 275.32 301.28 329.09 356.90 383.78
18" 290.15 319.82 347.63 376.36 406.03
19" 306.84 336.50 367.09 398.61 428.27
20" 322.60 355.04 386.56 418.08 450.52
21" 338.36 372.65 406.03 440.33 473.70
22" 355.04 389.34 425.49 460.72 495.95
23" 370.80 407.88 444.03 482.04 518.19
24" 386.56 425.49 463.50 502.43 540.44
25" 403.25 443.11 482.97 523.76 563.62
26" 418.08 460.72 502.43 544.15 586.79
27" 435.69 479.26 521.90 565.47 608.11
28" 450.52 495.95 540.44 586.79 631.29
29" 467.21 514.49 559.91 607.19 653.54
30" 482.97 531.17 579.38 628.51 675.78

Logo Width 30" - 48"
30" 32" 36" 40" 44" 48"
10" 242.87 257.71 290.15 322.60 355.04 386.56
11" 266.05 283.66 319.82 355.04 389.34 425.49
12" 290.15 309.62 347.63 386.56 425.49 463.50
13" 315.18 334.65 376.36 418.08 460.72 502.43
14" 338.36 361.53 406.03 450.52 495.95 540.44
15" 363.38 386.56 435.69 482.97 531.17 579.38
16" 386.56 411.59 463.50 515.41 566.40 618.31
17" 410.66 438.47 492.24 547.86 601.62 656.32
18" 435.69 463.50 521.90 579.38 636.85 695.25
19" 459.79 489.46 550.64 611.82 673.00 733.26
20" 482.97 515.41 579.38 643.34 708.23 772.19
21" 507.07 540.44 608.11 675.78 743.45 811.13
22" 531.17 566.40 636.85 708.23 778.68 849.13
23" 556.20 592.35 666.51 739.75 813.91 888.07
24" 579.38 618.31 695.25 772.19 849.13 926.07
25" 603.48 643.34 724.91 804.64 885.29 965.01
26" 628.51 669.29 752.72 836.15 920.51 1003.94
27" 652.61 695.25 782.39 868.60 955.74 1041.95
28" 675.78 720.28 811.13 901.04 990.96 1080.88
29" 699.89 747.16 839.86 932.56 1026.19 1118.89
30" 724.91 772.19 868.60 965.01 1061.42 1157.82

Questions on pricing or products, please call 866.660.7446 or email info@dimensionalLetters.com

  • Brushed (Alloy C304) price as listed
  • Brushed (Alloy C316) add 30%
  • Polished (Alloy C304) add 30% (requires stud weld on 1/8" letters)
  • Polished (Alloy C316) add 60% (requires stud weld on 1/8" letters)
  • Cor-Ten® less 30% on 1/8" & 1/4" only
  • Optional Clear Coat add 10%

  • Production time 9 working days
  • Lower case letters, where available, are 75% of upper case price
  • All punctuation is 33% of upper case letters
  • Stud Welding 1/8" All pricing includes stud weld. Available with stud bosses or 1" welded studs. If choosing any finish where stud weld in not required, plain mount is less 30%
  • Stud Welding 1/4" and UP Price incudes letters and logos drilled and tapped for a blind stud mount
  • Drill Patterns/Stencil Guides:
    • 1-5 characters = $16.65
    • 6-15 characters = $33.30
    • 16-25 characters = $83.30
    • 26-50 characters = $139.98
    • 51-75 characters = $249.98
    • 76+ characters = $333.30
  • Cut Files available - $20
  • Stencil Pattern available - 1-50 characters- $43.30