Flat Cut Aluminum

Discounted Below Prices good thru 4/30/2024

deSIGNery Signs has been designing and selling 1/2

1/2" Flat Cut Aluminum logos

Logo Width 10" - 14"
10" 11" 12" 13" 14"
10" 76.01 85.28 92.70 100.12 107.53
11" 85.28 93.63 101.04 109.39 119.58
12" 92.70 101.04 110.31 120.51 129.78
13" 100.12 109.39 120.51 129.78 139.05
14" 107.53 119.58 129.78 139.05 149.25
15" 114.02 127.00 138.12 149.25 161.30
16" 123.29 135.34 146.47 160.37 171.50
17" 130.71 142.76 156.66 169.64 181.69
18" 138.12 151.10 165.93 178.91 192.82
19" 145.54 161.30 174.28 188.18 203.94
20" 152.03 168.71 183.55 199.31 214.14
21" 161.30 177.06 192.82 208.58 224.33
22" 168.71 184.47 202.09 218.77 236.39
23" 176.13 193.74 211.36 228.04 246.58
24" 183.55 202.09 219.70 239.17 256.78
25" 190.04 210.43 228.04 248.44 266.05
26" 199.31 218.77 239.17 257.71 278.10
27" 206.72 226.19 247.51 267.90 288.30
28" 214.14 236.39 256.78 278.10 298.49
29" 221.55 243.80 265.12 288.30 309.62
30" 228.04 252.14 275.32 297.57 320.74

Logo Width 15" - 19"
15" 16" 17" 18" 19"
10" 114.02 123.29 130.71 138.12 145.54
11" 127.00 135.34 142.76 151.10 161.30
12" 138.12 146.47 156.66 165.93 174.28
13" 149.25 160.37 169.64 178.91 188.18
14" 161.30 171.50 181.69 192.82 203.94
15" 172.42 183.55 194.67 206.72 217.85
16" 183.55 195.60 208.58 219.70 232.68
17" 194.67 208.58 220.63 233.60 246.58
18" 206.72 219.70 233.60 247.51 260.49
19" 217.85 232.68 246.58 260.49 276.25
20" 228.04 244.73 259.56 275.32 290.15
21" 241.02 256.78 272.54 288.30 304.06
22" 252.14 268.83 285.52 301.28 319.82
23" 263.27 281.81 297.57 316.11 332.79
24" 275.32 292.93 311.47 329.09 347.63
25" 286.44 304.06 324.45 342.06 362.46
26" 297.57 317.96 336.50 357.82 376.36
27" 308.69 329.09 350.41 370.80 392.12
28" 320.74 341.14 363.38 384.71 405.10
29" 331.87 354.11 375.44 398.61 419.93
30" 342.06 366.17 388.41 411.59 434.76

Logo Width 20" - 28"
20" 22" 24" 26" 28"
10" 152.03 168.71 183.55 199.31 214.14
11" 168.71 184.47 202.09 218.77 236.39
12" 183.55 202.09 219.70 239.17 256.78
13" 199.31 218.77 239.17 257.71 278.10
14" 214.14 236.39 256.78 278.10 298.49
15" 228.04 252.14 275.32 297.57 320.74
16" 244.73 268.83 292.93 317.96 341.14
17" 259.56 285.52 311.47 336.50 363.38
18" 275.32 301.28 329.09 357.82 384.71
19" 290.15 319.82 347.63 376.36 405.10
20" 304.06 335.57 366.17 396.76 426.42
21" 320.74 353.19 384.71 415.30 447.74
22" 335.57 368.95 402.32 436.62 469.99
23" 350.41 385.63 420.86 455.16 490.38
24" 366.17 402.32 439.40 475.55 512.63
25" 380.07 418.08 456.08 494.09 532.10
26" 396.76 436.62 475.55 515.41 554.35
27" 411.59 452.38 493.16 534.88 575.67
28" 426.42 469.99 512.63 554.35 596.99
29" 442.18 485.75 529.32 574.74 618.31
30" 456.08 502.43 548.78 594.21 639.63

Logo Width 30" - 48"
30" 32" 36" 40" 44" 48"
10" 228.04 244.73 275.32 304.06 335.57 366.17
11" 252.14 268.83 301.28 335.57 368.95 402.32
12" 275.32 292.93 329.09 366.17 402.32 439.40
13" 297.57 317.96 357.82 396.76 436.62 475.55
14" 320.74 341.14 384.71 426.42 469.99 512.63
15" 342.06 366.17 411.59 456.08 502.43 548.78
16" 366.17 390.27 439.40 487.60 536.73 584.94
17" 388.41 414.37 466.28 518.19 569.18 621.09
18" 411.59 439.40 493.16 548.78 602.55 657.24
19" 434.76 463.50 520.97 578.45 636.85 694.32
20" 456.08 487.60 548.78 608.11 670.22 730.48
21" 480.19 512.63 575.67 639.63 703.59 767.56
22" 502.43 536.73 602.55 670.22 736.97 803.71
23" 525.61 560.84 630.36 699.89 770.34 840.79
24" 548.78 584.94 657.24 730.48 803.71 876.94
25" 570.11 608.11 684.13 760.14 836.15 912.17
26" 594.21 633.14 712.86 791.66 870.45 949.25
27" 616.46 657.24 739.75 822.25 903.83 985.40
28" 639.63 681.35 767.56 851.91 937.20 1022.48
29" 661.88 706.37 794.44 882.50 970.57 1058.63
30" 684.13 730.48 822.25 912.17 1003.94 1095.71

Questions on pricing or products, please call 866.660.7446 or email info@dimensionalLetters.com

  • Add 10%
  • Painted
  • Add 15%
  • Clear Anodized | #4 Brushed
  • Add 30%
  • Orbital | Random Arc | Rust Powdercoat
  • Add 50%
  • Polished Aluminum
    Champagne Anodized | Gold Anodized | Light Bronze Anodized
    Medium bronze Anodized | Dark Bronze Anodized | Black Anodized
  • Add 75%
  • Polished Clear Anodized
    Polished Champagne Anodized | Polished Gold Anodized
    Polished Light Bronze Anodized | Polished Medium bronze Anodized
    Polished Dark Bronze Anodized | Polished Black Anodized

  • Production time 9 working days
  • Lower case letters, where available, are 75% of upper case price
  • Small punctuation is 33% of upper case letters
  • Standard paint colors add 10%
  • Custom paint colors add 10% + $20 per color (specialty paints may be additional)
  • Stud Welding 1/8" All pricing includes stud weld. Available with stud bosses or 1" welded studs. If choosing any finish where stud weld in not required, plain mount is less 30%
  • Stud Welding 1/4" and UP Price includes letters and logos drilled and tapped for a blind stud mount
  • Bottom Stud 3/8" and UP add 15%
  • Drill Patterns/Stencil Guides:
    • 1-5 characters = $16.65
    • 6-15 characters = $33.30
    • 16-25 characters = $83.30
    • 26-50 characters = $139.98
    • 51-75 characters = $249.00
    • 76+ characters = $333.30
  • Stencil Guide 1-50 letters = $43.30